Pastor Steve introduces our Advent series - Promises Made, Promises Kept.
Who are you inviting to the feast?
Wes Furlong, Evana Director of Church Development, brings a great message on having abundant life!
Pastor Steve challenges us to listen for and respond to the specific call God gives to each of us.
Our After the Mount series continues in Matthew 9.
Pastor Steve begins a series, After the Mount from Matthew 8 - 10 about Jesus' ministry after the Sermon on the Mount.
Jon Miiller wraps up this series with another great message!
Here we go - Part 3 of the Armor of God by Jon Miiller. Keep following along!
Jon Miiller is continuing his teaching on the Armor of God from Ephesians 6. Open up your Bible and follow along!
Do you believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God? Pastor Steve starts at the beginning, Genesis 1, where we learn of His awesomeness!
Pastor Steve brings out the importance of team ministry - everyone has a role! Colossians 4 has great examples of how Paul didn't do it alone - he had a team.
We are getting close to a great series of sermons from Colossians! If you haven't been challenged go back and watch again.
So many good things in this short book of Colossians!
Colossians 3:18-21 - Pastor Steve Nelson continued the teaching from these verses on the importance of the Christian family.
Our guest, Perry Miller, gives a powerful message on allowing God to work, even in the hard times.
Watch this and be challenged!!
Enjoy the jungle backdrop (it's VBS time!) while Pastor Steve shares about ALWAYS putting on the attributes listed in Colossians 3:12-17.
Continuing our Colossians series, Jon Miiller teaches on keeping our focus on things above - God's will - and not on earthly things.
Pastor Steve continues our series on The Supremacy & Sufficiency of Christ from Colossians.
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